Arjun Vedantham

a photo of myself in front of the DC cherry blossoms

I am an incoming CSE PhD student at the University of California, Santa Cruz, advised by Prof. Scott Beamer in the Vertical Architectures, Memory, and Algorithms group, part of the Hardware Systems Collective. Broadly, my research interests lie at the intersection of programming languages and computer architecture.

I completed my bachelor’s degree at the University of Maryland, College Park, with a major in computer science and a minor in robotics and autonomous systems. While at UMD, I was an undergraduate researcher in robotics, advised by Prof. Mumu Xu in the Maryland Robotics Center.

Additionally, I contributed to the design of CMSC141, a new introductory computer science course sequence, led by Prof. David Van Horn and Jose Calderon.

I was also a member of UMD Loop, an undergraduate engineering team, where I led the software and (later) avionics systems teams for building both a tunnel boring machine and a Mars rover.

Outside Academia

I am currently a research intern at Two Six Technologies, in the deployed systems group of Two Six Electronic Systems. I was also a research intern at Two Six in summer 2023, in the exploitation and vulnerability solutions group. Prior to joining Two Six, I was an EERE Robotics Research Intern at in the Advanced Mobility Technology Laboratory of Argonne National Laboratory in summer 2022. In the summers of 2019, 2020, and 2021, I was a web developer intern at IPVM.

A long time ago, I was a community leader for DuckDuckHack, the open source community of DuckDuckGo. Maybe you’ve used one of my instant answers?

Recent News

Current Projects

Presentations and Other Written Works

I generally go by javathunderman online, which is an anagram of my name.